On October 18, 2019, at the Institute of Physics PAS, the Workshop “Topological matter meets entrepreneurs” was organized. During the Workshop MagTop’s employees have delivered three lectures:
The lectures were recorded and are available at: www.magtop.ifpan.edu.pl/workshop
In the second part lectures of entrepreneurs and representative of FNP were delivered:
After the lectures entrepreneurs visited Institute of Physics’ labs.
On January 30, 2020 group of 18 employees of MagTop have visited VIGO’s premises and met with VIGO’s employees. After short description of the profile of VIGO company by Dr. Trajnerowicz, prof. Dietl introduced MagTop as a whole and next introduced the members of MagTop (specifying field of their expertise) present at the meeting. Employees of VIGO gave 6 presentations concerning: technological problems connected with grown of semiconducting materials and structures, MBE technology and detectors based on III-V materials, MOCVD technology for HgCdTe, single element detectors, multi element detectors, characterization of parameters of detectors. MagTop’s employees were also given about 1 hour long tour in VIGO’s labs and production hall. During the meeting it became clear that collaboration in some fields may start immediately. It may concern numerical calculations and modeling of nanostructures that grown by VIGO, analysis of noise of detectors, as well as, joint experimental research performed with use of electron beam lithography apparatus available in the Institute of Physics. On the other hand the meeting also served as a kind of preliminary “brain storming” on how topological materials, with their specific transport and thermoelectric properties, may become the basis of new devices, which could be jointly designed by VIGO and MagTop.