ON6.1 Materials Design Group
Researchers in the Theory Group at MagTop, by using effective Hamiltonian, empirical tight binding, and ab initio methods, develop theories of topological matter aiming at inspiring materials development teams as well as help in the interpretation of experimental results. The Team members collaborate with many groups in Europe and Japan. Particularly interesting and challenging is collaboration with the VIGO Photonics in determining band structure of detector-relevant multilayer devices.
Helical edge-states on the MagTop-shaped edge of a two-dimensional system of coupled harmonic oscillators. Its building block is a square unit cell with four oscillators which is coupled to the nearest-neighbor cells in the vertical and horizontal direction. Within the field of condensed matter such system is represented by the HgTe/CdTe quantum wells and an effective Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang Hamiltonian. In the mechanical analogue four oscillators in per cell represent spin and orbital degree of freedom of an electron and the amplitude and frequency of vibrations represent probability of finding an electron at a given lattice site with a given energy. The animation shows how strongly a topological edge-state is protected against distortion of the shape of an edge.
Head of MagTop (Division ON-6 at IF PAN)
Leader of the Group Materials Design Group (ON6.1)
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ResearcherID: C-9537-2013
Knowledge Transfer Coordinator
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ResearcherID: A-1781-2017
Expert in Ab initio
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ResearcherID: N-5259-2017
Expert in symmetries and classification of topological materials
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ResearcherID: G-2791-2017
Expert in quantum phase transitions
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ResearcherID: T-5258-2017
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ResearcherID: ACJ-4635-2022
Expert in theory of semiconductors and magnetic semiconductors
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ResearcherID: IAQ-0373-2023
ResearcherID: ABD-8157-2020
Researchers from the MBE Group at MagTop are focusing on developing MBE growth technologies for various types of epilayers and nanostructures with topological characteristics, composed of both II-VI (e.g. based on CdTe and HgTe), IV-VI semiconductors (such as. e.g. topological crystalline insulators based on SnTe and SnSe) and elemental α-Sn. Particular emphasis is placed on in situ and ex situ interfacing of topological materials with ferromagnetism and superconductivity, via doping and deposition of overlayers.
Deputy Head of the Division for Scientific Affairs in Division ON-6 at IF PAN
Leader of the Group Device Epitaxy Group (ON6.2)
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ResearcherID: A-2887-2017
Expert in Fabrication of Nanostructures
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ResearcherID: K-9441-2016
Expert in quantum transport phenomena
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ResearcherID: T-5557-2017
Expert in MBE Growth
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ResearcherID: W-4056-2017
Expert in IV-VI topological materials
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ResearcherID: H-2963-2018v
Expert in semiconductor photonics
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ResearcherID: A-2174-2015
Expert in low-temperature magnetotransport
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ResearcherID: K-9400-2016
ResearcherID: L-1888-2016
ResearcherID: O-6399-2018
Expert in the MBE growth of semiconductor nanowires
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ResearcherID: S-8162-2016
ResearcherID: AAD-9080-2022
ResearcherID: K-9009-2016
Expert in the growth of high-temperature superconducting films and the characterization of their critical parameters
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ResearcherID: AAH-9756-2020
Group research focuses on topological effects in condensed matter systems, particularly in superconductors, semiconductors, and magnetic materials with application to quantum information. More specifically, effects of magnetic adatoms in topological superconductors, topological defects (dislocations and declinations), flat band formation in topological nodal-line semimetals, and the entanglement of solid state spins in semiconducting nanostructures are examples of current research.
Leader of the Group Quantum Manipulation Group (ON6.3)
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ResearcherID: G-3094-2019
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ResearcherID: GZG-2100-2022
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ResearcherID: HMP-0282-2023
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ResearcherID: LWI-9002-2024
We are building and testing pioneering low temperature functional nanostructures with a special emphasis on superconducting devices. Our expertise involves fast time-resolved thermometry of nanostructures based on the probing of Josephson junctions with short current pulses, which we call the switching thermometry. It allows us to trace the thermal transients with a temporal resolution of a single nanosecond, which appear in the response to a local dissipation. We can directly investigate the dynamics of various energy relaxation channels at the nanoscale. Our second field of interest is vortex electronics. It involves building nanodevices for controlling and manipulating of superconducting vortices to present new functionalities e.g. memory cells and logical elements for application in quantum computing.
CoolPhon Group→ click here
Leader of the Functional Superconductivity Group (ON6.4)
ResearcherID: S-6792-2016
ResearcherID: S-6746-2016
ResearcherID: AAW-3030-2021