Experimental investigations carried out by Fribourg-Grenoble collaboration supported by theoretical [1] and computational studies [2] at MagTop have identified the origin of outstanding magnetooptical and magnetotransport properties of EuCd2As2 and provided topological and magnetic phase diagrams for various classes of Eu-based compounds, revising substantially previous results.
[1] D. Santos-Cottin, I. Mohelský, J. Wyzula, F. Le Mardelé, I. Kapon, S. Nasrallah, N. Barišić, I. Živković, J. R. Soh, F. Guo, K. Rigaux, M. Puppin, J. H. Dil, B. Gudac, Z. Rukelj, M. Novak, A. B. Kuzmenko, C. C. Homes, T. Dietl, M. Orlita, and A. Akrap, EuCd2As2: A Magnetic Semiconductor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 186704 (2023).
[2] G. Cuono, R. Sattigeri, C. Autieri and T. Dietl. Ab initio overestimation of the topological region in Eu-based compounds, Phys. Rev. B 108, 075150 (2023).